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The HeartQuest Professional Team

Dr. Michael Kessler
D.C., C.C.S.P.
Dr. Kessler DC graduated from life Chiropractic School in 1985 and Dr. Becchetti graduated from Palmer Chiropractic West College in 1987. 
Both Dr.Kessler and Dr.Becchetti taught licensed renewal training for Chiropractors and Acupuncturists in Bio Terrain Analysis and Advanced Psychoemotional analysis.
Over the 25 years in practice both Dr.Kessler and Dr. Becchetti took undergraduate training in Functional Medicine, Bioregulatory Medicine as well as  Functional Genomics.
Your health depends on how
robustly and dynamically your
Autonomic Nervous System
can adapt to change in the environment.
The HQP will tell us!

This is what Charles Darwin
was saying.
Dr. Sondra Becchetti
D.C., F.I.A.C.A.
"In 2010 we brought, together with Dr. Javdat Karimov, the first sophisticated Functional Evaluation Technology which included Heart Rate Variability from Russia to the USA. At this time we translated the information from Russian and developed manuals and taught the use of this technology for over 10 years. This opened the door for similar technology to piggy back in from Russia. At this time we broke off with Russia and started to develop an improved version with our current team."
Dr. Javdat Karimov
Javdat Karimov, ND., is a Naturopathic Physician with an MD background (Uzbekistan) in Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine for over 20 years of clinical experience. Graduated from National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2003, and since then have maintained a private practice in Portland, Oregon. For more than 20 years in medical practice obtained advanced experience with injections and IV therapies in hospital and clinical settings. During medical practice as an Anesthesiologist and ER doctor he performed different injections therapy as subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, intraarterial injection, local nerve block on lower/upper body and lower/ upper extremity, epidural and spinal injections, IV drips and pushes. Extensive training on Hyperbaric Therapy, Ozone administration and Ozone injections technique (SC, IM, IV), Chelation IV Therapy.
Dr. Karimov is responsible for bringing the original technology that was the Dinamika from Russia and later become the HeartQuest as it was improved. We have now moved to the next generation of this technology with the HQP. Dr. Karimov is integral in formulating many of the new parameters found in the HQP that make this the most advanced tracking technology out there. 
HQP is a technology developed using HRV technology to reflect the complex nature of the human body and to integrate Western and Eastern principles into one seamless evaluation.
The HQP reflects the totality of one's life choices and emotional state combined with one's genetic make up.
The key to health is the ability to adapt to all stressors.
Ruan De Necker
Software Engineer
Ruan is a technological start-up enthusiast who enjoys building innovative businesses and solutions. He has a diverse educational background that started with completing a degree in Visual Communication with specialisation in interactive and digital media as well as industrial design and three dimensional product development. His focus then shifted to completing a degree in business management to feed his entrepreneurial drive.
Ruan's career started as a lecturer at a well known design college in South Africa, where his focus was to teach and mentor students in software development and industrial design. My background in education and technology lead him to do a post graduate (Honours) degree in Interactive Development where he explored applications of blockchain and distributed ledger technology in digital identity. He was awarded the Creative Technology Innovations award for his Honours thesis.
Upon completion of his Honours he grew into the role of Senior Lecturer in software – and product development. He has also been pursuing his own business ventures and providing software solutions to various companies over the past 10 years including as chief technology officer for a well known company in So. Africa.  
Ruan currently holds the position of software engineer and Technical Officer for HeartQuest Global, LLC.  Without Ruan, our product vision would not have been developed and now used by customers all over the world!
Gabriel Theron
Global Marketing
Gabriel started as an Internal Auditor at The South African Breweries (SAB). Not long after, he fueled his passion for adapting dynamic environments and co-founded an R&D company in the ICT sector. Following its rapid take-off, he was listed as one of  Mail & Guardians “200 Young South Africans You Must Take to Lunch”. In 2008 he co-founded a Digital Agency, which quickly became a market leader in the Digital Marketing space.
In 2015 Gabriel was appointed as a non-executive Board member of the South Africa Forestry Company Limited (SAFCOL), the third largest forestry company in Africa. Not long into which, he was then seconded as Acting CEO to SAFCOL by the Minister of Public Enterprises, where he served his country for 2 years. It was his head-fast ambition and drive during his tenure that saw  SAFCOL break the R1 Billion turnover mark for the first time ever and has not been repeated to date, remaining one of the few state owned entities that didn’t put a strain on the fiscus, and that which was completely self-sustaining.
With multiple degrees and expertise in many areas, Gabriel is a valued team member of HeartQuest Global, LLC.
Stephen Emond.JPG
Canadian and International Distributor of HeartQuest Professional HRV Systems
  • Physiological health products R & D

  • Proprietary manufacturing techniques to expand range of substance action

  • Creator of proprietary homeopathic compounding processes

  • PAC NHPD member 2009-2012

  • Canadian Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Assoc. 1995, 1997, 2007-present

  • Head of committee for new NHPD metabolic factor labeling standards, integral part of committees for other NHPD labeling standards

  • Developer of frequency recording technology and software and delivery technology

  • International trainer and speaker in biofeedback, bioresonance, delivery and EAV/Vega/EDS technologies

  • Product formulations and development

  • Training in environmental medicine and dentistry, natural veterenarian practices, kinesiology, nutrition, nutraceuticals, master in herbology, TCM and acupuncture, homeopathy, homotoxicology, phenolics, shiatsu, physiological regulating medicine, gemmotherapy, oligotherapy, and a host of other integrative health modalities

HeartQuest Global, LLC
415 646 6112 (United States)
0861 420 421 (South Africa)
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