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The Vagus Nerve, Heart Rate Variability and Improved Health.

By now you know the importance of the Vagus Nerve and why we need to tone and improve its function.  We've tested several devices and have found the easiest one to use is the Hoolest  VeRelief device.  It will improve Parasympathetic function and, therefore, will decrease stress and anxiety, improve sleep and give the user a more balanced nervous system. It is also the most cost effective and user friendly Vagal Nerve device we've found.

The VeRelief Prime-Lasting Relief Bundle

Comes with:

  • 3 pairs of gel tips

  • Gel tip hydration solution

  • Skin hydration gel

  • Vagus nerve magazine

  • Travel case

  • Other support materials 

  • Price: $399


VeRelief is the first wireless, dry-electrode, and portable vagus nerve stimulator smaller than a car key fob. Pick one up today and start experiencing the benefits of a more active vagus nerve!

The VeRelief Pro Headset
is coming!  This is a game changer. 

VeRelief Pro Headset
Vagal Nerve Stimulation
Breath training
Add music of your choice
No additional fees!
Did you know that the VeRelief Prime can stimulate other nerves in your body? In particular, there is a nerve called the trigeminal nerve in your forehead that controls pain, specifically headache pain. If you have a headache in the area of your forehead, you can put the VeRelief Prime on your forehead to stimulate the trigeminal nerve, which may provide temporary relief from acute headache pain.
HeartQuest Global, LLC
415 646 6112 (United States)
0861 420 421 (South Africa)
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